Friday, July 29, 2011

Chickens in the house!....almost!

Experience is the greatest thing when coming to building things. Last year when we made chicken coops, we planned our ideas based on American standards and way of life. Last year’s chicken coops were like 5 star hotels for a chicken. A little overkill for chickens. This year, we’re using 10cm plywood instead of 15cm. and creating 2 story living space for the chickens. Here are some pictures of the area that chickens will be laying their eggs.

After the Khaodee kids come home from school. They are so eager to help out. Without saying anything, 4 of the MS/HS boys come over to where I was working and picked up some tools and asked me what to do. Here’s a video of 14 year old Pongsatuorn (nickname Yaelum) helping me drill a hole through cement so that we could anchor 2x3 wood to support the 2nd story chicken coop.

Most of all the chicken farms in Thailand are not free-range chicken farms. They are all caged in a 12”x6” cage where only their heads are able to stick out and eat food. They can only poop and lay their eggs where they stand. It was a quite sad seeing these chickens like that. At Khaodee, as you can see from the last blog video ( they didn’t want anything to do with that kind of chicken raising. Free-range all the way!!!

B. Louie

Pillow Making!

It has been really good getting the opportunity to reunite with the kids and staff. I got the chance to meet with the 10 high school girls all together for the first time the other night to discuss and work on their first art project – pillow making! Woohoo! The girls had a good time picking out their fabric for their pillows and will be working on this project together for the next 2-3 meetings. The theme lesson that I have been planning on talking to the girls about is about “resting in Jesus” so I told them that they need to design and decorate the outside of their pillows with this theme in mind.

God’s Simple Reminder to me.

Yesterday seem to be one of the hottest days ever at Khaodee although everyday seems just as hot. As I was rocking Chloe to bed I started singing one of Cammy and Chloe’s favorite bedtime songs, “Amazing Grace”. As I finished this song, Wanna (high school girl) came out and said, “P' Vicky, What is that song that you just sang? I really like it.” I respond, “Amazing Grace”! With this moment I felt like God was reminding me so much about the simple moments that open doors for witnessing.

Wanna liked it so much that she asked me to write the words of that song out and Brian had the opportunity last night to teach that song to some of them. Today as I was meeting the girls for crafts again they started singing Amazing Grace. My prayer tonight is that the girls can truly embrace what God’s grace is. How it is sufficient enough for us and that they can fully understand what God’s grace means. “Amazing grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found was blind but now I see….”


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Days 3-4

Day 3

As we were waiting for the Khaodee kids to come back home from school, P’ Gai taught the 2 kids how to sing a song.

When the Khaodee kids arrived, Cammy wanted to go straight to work. He helped with the sweeping chores for about half an hour.

and asked me if he can get a haircut like the other boys. He must have been so tired from the chores that he fell asleep while getting his haircut!

Day 4

As we started to assess the priorities of our work during the time at Khaodee, the staff said that finishing the chicken coop is the top priority for any project. They currently have 200 liitle chicks that will need a home soon and there isn’t anything in place for them when they become full grown in a couple months. We will work on getting the rest of the coops in place so that the chicks won’t be homeless when they out grow their nursery.

Here is a video walkthrough of the new chicken coop layout and plans

Sunday, July 24, 2011

What's newie with Louie!!!

Hey guys,

So Brian Louie and family just left to Thailand, as they are the 1st of 2 mission teams re:ACTS is sending out this year. He'll be sending me via email his blog posts for me to post for him. Below is his first entry. Please continue to pray for him and his family!


As expected, Chloe had a hard time on the flight but she made some great friends. She is so outgoing. Cameron as usual was very good with all the flights. To all those parents who are scared to travel with your kids, especially those who are thinking about family missions, God is good and He will not give us anything we cannot handle. In 1 Corinthians 10:13, it says, "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." And he knew that I can't handle crazy kids on a plane. Thank you Lord for knowing my limits :)

We flew into Bangkok today and Honda picked us up from the airport. It was great to see him and renew that friendship with him. We were able to have a meal with Honda before going back to the YWAM Headquarters to stay the night before heading off to Khaodee Children Home and Orphanage ( ). God is good and keep praying for us!
